Duration 40′

On a stage strewn with soft black matter, Erika Zueneli engages a body that is forever on the alert. A body crossed by myriad desires and tensions, one moment springing forth, the next colliding, almost despite itself. lnstability and fragility live in this continuum, one that is resolutely subject to crosswinds. What emerges is a literally vibrant being, in a near permanent state of re-invention. A brief moment of respite and suspension in this odyssey filled with images and sensations, sometimes furtive, sometimes tense or appeased… Si vis pacem, para bellum, “lf you want peace, prepare for war”. From this idea of preparation for combat, Erika Zueneli delivers a solo brimming with troubled energy, the kaleidoscopic reflection of something both vain and essential: the tenacity to persevere, to carry on… in spite of the flaws of life, in spite of its dazzling moments, in spite of everything.

Conception, choreography & interpretation Erika Zueneli Sound design Sébastien Jacobs - Voice Kate France Dramaturgy Olivier Hespel External viewpoint Olivier Renouf Wardrobe Marie Szersnovicz Lighting Damiano Foà Thanks Jean Fürst, Kate France. Production Tant’AmatiIAsbl Partners Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles – Paris II Festival Fait d’Hiver – Micadanses II Studio le Regard du Cygne II CDCN La Briqueterie Assistance Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse Residencies Théâtre des Doms II Grand Studio II Raffinerie – Charleroi Danse II CDCN La Briqueterie II Coopérative Chorégraphique au Sépulcre – Caen II Studio Cap* The compagny is supported by the Grand Studio (Brussels).